Online seminar on tax crimes!

On behalf of the PROTAX research consortium with a support of Polish Academic Tax Law Association we are honoured to invite you to participate in the PROTAX workshop that will be held online on  22  June 2021 at 16.00 Warsaw Time.

The PROTAX research consortium has developed policy guidelines and toolkits to harmonise the investigation and prosecution of tax crimes in the EU.

More information about the project funded by the EU can be found at the following address:

During the workshop,  PROTAX researchers will present and discuss with you three toolkits to counter tax crimes in the EU:

  • a tool kit for policymakers aimed at proposing recommendations for improving the fight against tax crimes (Report D7.1),
  • a tool kit for law enforcement agencies aimed at developing a tax fraud investigation framework (Report D7.2),
  • a tool kit containing a risk assessment of tax crimes (Report D7.3).

These documents should not be shared beyond the workshop at this stage.

You can find also attached an info sheet about data protection.

To participate in the event, please go to the following link:

Topic: PROTAX Workshop – Poland Time: Jun 22, 2021 04:00 PM Warsaw
Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 876 3884 5571 Passcode: PROTAX21!

As leading experts in Poland, we are confident that you will make a great contribution to this initiative!

For any further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Centrum Dokumentacji i Studiów Podatkowych

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